experts unpack vaticans new catechumenate for marriage

Experts unpack Vatican’s new catechumenate for marriage

(OSV News) — In 2022, the Vatican’s Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life released “Catechumenal Pathways for Married Life“, providing principles for rethinking marriage preparation for catechumate for marriage in the Catholic Church. Nearly a year later, leaders are still unpacking what a “ marriage catechumenate ” means for the Church in the U.S. In …

Through the Bible, Week One

The Creator and Creation Genesis One is more about the Creator than the creation.  When read against its original background of Ancient Near Eastern creation myths, Genesis 1 comes across as a poetic monotheistic polemic – something that could have been memorized and sung in the liturgy.  Using the world- picture of the ancient world …

Through the Bible, General Introduction

Rules for Reading…….. The best way to read the Bible is to begin reading it with other Christians, living and dead (thus we are inviting Brother John into our conversation).  Reading the Bible with the Church – both militant and triumphant – is one of the best ways I know to practice the Communion of …